This is a blog I've started to keep friends and family posted on the happenings of our new daughter Genevieve Moira Muir. Please check back often to see what's new.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hospital Visits

After Genevieve was born, we stayed at the hospital for 4 days while Hannah recovered from the cesarean section surgery.  During this time, some very close friends visited us and the new baby.  This was a most welcome site, for the only other people to visit us were the nurses, lactation consultants, medical assistants, nutrition aides, and housekeeping staff.

The first people to visit were Genevieve's God-Parents, Sara Jane Patterson and her husband Paul Poage.  Unfortunately we were so sleep deprived that, I'm afraid, we weren't much company.  Had I been more of a sound mind, I would have snapped some photos.  They stayed for a while and were great company.  Sara Jane and Paul have been great friends and Genevieve is so fortunate to have them as God-Parents.  On the day of our discharge, Sara came and helped us home.  She also came and cleaned our home, and stocked it full of food.  Below are some photos of our little Peanut with them after we were home.

She's asleep in Paul's arms
This was the day we were discharged.  Sara kept her company while Hannah got changed to leave.

Sara Holding Genevieve

The next to visit were our dear friends Dan & Galina Nisley.  They brought us a wonderful gift of an ornament that says "peanut" on it.  This was so special, as our nickname for Genevieve in the womb was "Peanut."  While visiting, Dan took some beautiful photos of Genevieve.  He is a very gifted amateur photographer, and it shows.

Because both of our families live out of state, it would be a week before they were able to come for a visit.  We were so fortunate to have such wonderful friends to come and visit, and help out.

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